
Woodland Work 2022/23 with Paul

End of September, met with Paul in the woods to discuss woodland work in particular around forest school. Garry and David had just been visiting, and Paul concurred that indeed the drought had impacted the woodland radically. Far more than ever before were signs of oaks and even a couple of hazels under stress or dying.

Here’s a list of what we need to do.

  1. Paul and Another – to prepare /fell easy to fell dead trees esp those around Forest School eg silver birch etc.
  2. Cherry Picker – to remove radical branches around trees to be felled
    And dead branches around forest school activity
    (2 days work, may be able to correspond with Nick and Kim who also want a CP)
  3. Fell 4-5-6 dead oaks – Paul and Jim Dye and get them to hard standing for planking in future.
    – Entrance oak left and right and near cabin
    – 4 dead oak western boundary
    – 1 dying oak along track
    – 1 dying oak large specimen (has been dying for some time)
    – 1 ash near Jupiter
    – 2 oaks near cabin

Monitor hollow ash – it is still healthy.

Rachel to get a felling licence as we were going to fell more than 6 cubic meters (one tree is roughly 3)

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